Drink 8 glasses of water
Myth: We need 8 glasses of water a day to be healthy. Truth: I’ll probably
Myth: We need 8 glasses of water a day to be healthy. Truth: I’ll probably
Sometimes you go to gym and you do a little workout (lift weights, cardio, run on the treadmill…)
So, you don’t like going to the gym and prefer to workout at home or
There are some very simple, cheap exercise equipment you can use at home and some
You’ve seen the infomercial. A guy or girl on their knees holding handles on either
Myth: Certain foods like celery, burn more calories to digest them than they contain. Thus
Myth: Squatting with your knees past your toes is bad. Truth: Not sure how
The squat is the most natural of all movements. We have been doing this for